5th ICNSE at KYOTO, JAPAN International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering KYOTO RESEARCH PARK (KRP) #Bldg 1, Kyoto
The 5th International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering will be held in Kyoto, Japan from March 27-29, 2024. The theme of this conference is “Smart City and Green Life.”
The purpose of this congress is to explore the definition and characteristics of smart cities, the role of information technology in promoting green living, and the various aspects of city management that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, we will discuss the potential of smart cities to achieve a circular economy, as well as the importance of social participation in promoting green living.
Ultimately, this congress aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts towards sustainable development and the creation of smart cities that prioritize the well-being of citizens and the environment. We welcome submissions from professionals in industry, government, and academia to actively participate and present their papers.
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#5th ICNSE
◑ Topics | Categories
- Academic Research
- Advanced Materials
- Bioethics
- Biofuels
- Bioinformatic
- Biological
- Biological Science
- Biology
- Biomass & Biofuel
- Biomaterials
- Biomedicine
- Biometrics & Identity
- Biopolymers
- Bioprocessing
- Biopsy
- Biosciences
- Biotech
- Biotechnology
- Business Management
- Carbon Science
- Ceramics
- Chemical
- Chemistry
- Commonwealth
- Communication
- Company
- Computational Intelligence
- Computer
- Computer Engineering
- Content Marketing
- Content Strategy
- Control
- Creative
- Creativity
- Culture
- Design
- Digital
- Digital Content Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Ecological
- eCommerce
- Economics
- Econsultancy
- Ecosystem
- Education
- Education & Elearning
- Electrical engineering
- Electronics
- Embedded System
- Embryo development
- Environmental
- Environmental Sciences
- Excellence
- Excellent international platform
- Fluid Flow
- Gas & Petroleum
- Gene
- General Science, Physics & Chemistry
- Generation
- Genetics
- Geology & Environment
- Geoscience
- Green Energy
- Human
- Human Development
- Industrial
- Informatics
- Information
- Information Technology
- Innovation
- Innovation and Design
- Inspirational
- Interdisciplinary
- Leadership
- Leadership & Innovation
- Learning
- Machine learning
- Management
- Marketing & Big Data
- Material
- Multidisciplinary
- Nanodevices
- Nanomaterials
- Nanomedicine
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Natural
- Natural Science
- Naturopathy
- Neonatal
- Neonatology
- Networking
- Networks
- Neural Networks
- Oil and Gas
- Others
- Polution Reduction
- Polymer
- Polymer Science
- population
- Power
- Power Control
- Practice
- Remote Sensing
- Renewable
- Renewable Energy
- Research
- research symposium
- Robotics
- Science and Technology
- Scientific
- Scientists
- Sensor
- Smart Objects
- Social Responsibility
- Social Sciences
- Social Study
- Society
- Sociological
- Software
- Soil
- Soil Science
- Solution Chemistry
- Strategies
- Sustainability
- Sustainable
- Thoughts & Ideas
- Tourism
- Tourism Management
- Traffic
- Waste Management
- Wastewater Treatment
- Wellness
- Wireless Network
- Workshop
- Workshops
- World