10/26/2022, Wednesday 1.00 PM Eastern- MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

When a medical practice replaces its billing system or electronic medical record (EMR), it is at risk. The risk lies in how legacy patient data from the retired system is handled. While it is common for demographics and other basic key data points to be converted to a new system, complexity and cost often prohibit line item detail from migrating. That leaves protected health information (PHI) in the legacy system, and, therein lies the risk.

If healthcare providers value PHI, how can cybercriminals steal it so easily? Here, Lisa Williams, VP of Business Development for Triyam, discusses common PHI security holes, how legacy systems cause problems, and why only complying with minimum HIPAA requirements affects your ability to avoid and react to breaches effectively.

Join us on Wednesday, October 26th to learn what to do with legacy PHI and the plans for a successful transition to a new EHR

Register – https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5103401238847193612

Phone: 855-663-2684
Email: Info@triyam.com

