Staying current with the rapid advances in laser and aesthetic skin therapy is an increasingly important challenge for physicians. Our patients’ demand for such services has resulted in the need to be better educated and trained in safe and effective practices. At present, few non-industry-sponsored meetings exist for those who practice laser and aesthetic skin therapies. This highly-rated course will emphasize new techniques and technologies, along with clinical endpoints and laser safety, while also critically evaluating current treatment practices-all free of commercial exhibits from industry.

You will leave this course with an understanding of new laser treatment paradigms and emerging technologies, and get a glimpse into the future of this cutting-edge field with exciting talks given by world-renowned experts. This will be a critical, well-informed, clinically relevant course that highlights proper patient evaluation and aesthetic techniques.

All sessions are led by master clinicians who provide specific recommendations for incorporating the latest updates into your practice. The following problems and techniques will be addressed:

Laser safety
Pigmented lesions, rosacea, rhytides
Tattoo removal
Hair removal and transplantation
Ablative and non-ablative fractional resurfacing
Tissue tightening
Lasers and ethnic skin
Treatment of scars

2 total visits , 1 visits today

⌛ Event Dates & Venue

14 Oct - 15 Oct 2023, 7:45 am - 5:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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Ticket Pricing:
Livestream (register on or before Sept. 1): USD 750.00, Livestream (register after Sept. 1): USD 850.00

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