The Congress will be a forum for the presentation of international research, discovery and innovation in Rehabilitation Medicine. Whilst the major subgroups of clinical endeavour in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine will be covered; the conference will have a focus on the three “T’s” (trauma, technology and timing). Trauma will include motor vehicle accidents, domestic violence and the results of war and natural disasters. Technology will range from personal devices such as phones to robotics, and Timing will explore topics such as Prehabilitation, In-Reach services and when Rehabilitation should end.

The scientific program will include pre-congress practical workshops, plenary sessions and themed sessions with invited speakers and selected free paper presentations. Currently, it is planned for the Congress to be face-to-face with videoconferencing from some of the invited speakers.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

01 Jun - 06 Jun 2024, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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Ticket Pricing:
Full Participants Member ISPRM (Early bird): AUD 990.00, Full Participants Member ISPRM (Standard): AUD 1250.00

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