ISDA2024 - The 7th International Seep Disorder Academy Congress Hilton Panama, Panama
We are excited to bring together three leading societies in the field of sleep medicine and sleep surgery, fostering a multidisciplinary approach that will undoubtedly enrich our understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this evolving domain. The conference will span across various facets of sleep medicine, encompassing the latest research findings, innovative surgical techniques, and evidence-based therapies.
Topics in the fields of Sleep Apnea and Surgical Interventions for Sleep Apnea will be discussed aswell as topics on Sleeping Disorders beyond Sleep Apnea like Narcolepsy, Insomnia Sleep and Mental Health, Parasomnias and much more!
⌛ Event Dates & Venue
💸 Website & Tickets

Local Participants - Early Bird: USD 550.00, International Particiants - Early Bird: USD 950.00