Corporate Governance Center at Alfaisal University is pleased to host the first international conference in Saudi Arabia on corporate governance. The conference will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on December 9th, 2019.

Corporate governance has evolved rapidly during the last two decades and has had a tremendous impact on all countries and business organizations. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently issued comprehensive corporate governance principles to help companies adopt good governance principles. The main objective of the conference is to bring academicians, lawyers, policymakers, and business sector representatives from the Kingdom and abroad to exchange their perspectives on best practices and major challenges in corporate governance. The conference will particularly focus on the interaction between good governance, finance, and investment. The conference is expected to provide a platform in which delegates can interact and network, with the topic areas being at the forefront of corporate governance developments and finance within the national, regional, and international contexts. The conference is expected to increase awareness of good governance, promote best practices among the companies, and encourage scholarly research on corporate governance.

Keynote Speakers
Dr.Alex Edmans | Professor of Finance & Director of Centre for Corporate Governance
London Business School, the author of Grow The Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit (forthcoming)

Dr. Alfred E. Osborne Jr. Professor of Global Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, Founder, Director Education, and Certification Program, Faculty Director, Price Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management

CG Excellence Award
At the conference, Alfaisal University Corporate Governance Center will release its annual CGI scores and ranking for all listed companies in the Kingdom. Top three companies within the financial sectors and the top five companies within non-financial sectors will receive the CG Excellence Award.

List of Topics
The conference will explore the best practices and major challenges related to corporate governance in Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries. The conference will provide participants with a great opportunity to discuss issues and challenges in the fields of corporate governance and regulation within legal, governmental, accounting, economic, and business perspectives. The conference will cover both theoretical and empirical studies on corporate governance.

The conference will revolve around the following sub-themes:

Recent trends and hot topics in corporate governance
International best practices of good corporate governance
Corporate governance principles and practices in the Kingdom
Corporate governance principles and practices in GCC
Diversity and structure of boards for good governance
Roles and responsibilities of boards in good governance
Legal and ethical aspects of corporate governance
Corporate governance and social responsibility
Investor perspectives on corporate governance
Shareholders rights and good governance
Stakeholders rights and good governance
Public disclosure and transparency and good governance
Corporate governance issues in executive compensation and incentive structure
Whistleblowing in the context of corporate governance
Corporate governance in a family-owned business
Risk identification and management in corporate governance
Governance of state-owned enterprises
Establishing incentives for better corporate governance
Corporate governance principles in the Kingdom and around the world
Sustainability of good governance and its cost
Financial performance and good governance
Incentives structure, corporate governance, and financial performance
Target Audience
This conference will appeal to governance professionals, policymakers, business/industry professionals, and academics:

Company top executives
Corporate Social Responsibility Managers/Directors/Staff
Corporate Investment Managers/Directors/Staff
Social Investment Managers/Directors/Staff
Corporate Sustainability Managers/Directors/Staff
Board Members and Secretaries
Human Resources Managers/Directors/Staff
Marketing Managers/Directors/Staff
Public Relations Managers/Directors/Staff
Corporate Communications Managers/Directors/Staff
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

The abstract shall be around 500 words
All submissions should be along with Curriculum Vitae and photos.
Language: English & Arabic
Writing format:
Full paper should be between 6000-11000 words A4, 1.0 spacing, TNR 12, papers with (at least) 3 JEL Classifications
Symbol and equation must be written using Microsoft Equation
Reference must follow APA Style
Conference Committee
Conference Chair: Dr.Necati Aydin, Professor of Economics, Research Director of Corporate Governance Center

Committee Members:

Dr.Bajis Dodin, Dean of College of Business, Alfaisal University
Dr.Mashour Mourad, Executive Director of Corporate Governance Center, Alfaisal University
Dr.Ahmed Alanazi, Assistant Profesor of Finance, Alfaisal University
Dr.Hayat Khan, Assistant Profesor of Finance/Economics, Alfaisal University
Saudi-CG-2019 proceedings will be published on the Alfaisal University CGC website.

The conference will be held in the Fairmont Hotel, Riyadh
Citizens from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman, are visa-exempt and can travel to the country without a visa. We are pleased to announce that citizens of 49 countries could apply for an online visa through the following website:

Conference Fees and Payment
Registration fee: $200 for students and $300 for all others

Please make your payment as early as possible. A late payment could result in authors missing out on being included in the conference program. The conference payment will be processed through the CGC website.

Terms and Conditions:

Conference Fee is inclusive of:
Admission to the conference venue, keynote and parallel sessions
Lunch, dinner and two coffee breaks
Conference Program
Conference Kit
Presenter/Listener/Session Chair Certificate
Publication of a paper in the Conference Proceedings (online)
Paper submission, and review.
The fee does NOT cover travel expenses and lodging for participants.
Students must upload a valid Student ID (JPEG or PDF) when prompted by our online registration system.
Co-authors/co-presenters and listeners must register and make payment separately.
Each additional paper submitted by an author must be paid for separately.
Only paid participants will be allowed into the venue and receive conference certificates.
Corporate Governance Workshop
There will a workshop parallel to the conference with the theme of “CG Assessment and Best Practices”. For more information about the workshop and registration, please visit the CGC website:

Workshop Program

8:00-9:00 Registration and Light Refreshments
9:00-9:30 Keynote Speech by Dr. Alfred E. Osborne, Jr. Professor of Global Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, Founder, Director Education and Certification Program, Price Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management
9:30-10:45 Session I: Effectiveness and Evaluation of the Board, Dr. Alfred E. Osborne, UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session II: International Best Principles and Practices of Good CG related to Shareholders and Public Disclosure,
12:00-1:15 Break and Lunch
1:15-2:30 Session III: Assessment Methodology for Alfaisal CGI, Dr.Necati Aydin, AU
2:30-3:30 Session IV: Examples of good and bad CG practices based on Alfaisal CG evaluation, Dr.Mashhour Mourad, Executive Director of Alfaisal CG Center
3:30-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-4:15 Keynote Speech by Dr. Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance and Director of Corporate Governance Center at London Business School
4:15-5:30 Session V: How to grow the pie through good governance by Dr.Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School.
5:30-5:45 Certificate presentation ceremony

Riyadh Season
The conference participants will have a unique opportunity to participate in many cultural and entertainment events. Please visit the following website to learn more about over 100 events to discover Riyadh:
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
Corporate Governance Center, Alfaisal University, College of Business, P.O. Box 11533, Riyadh, 50927 phone:+966 11 215 7706


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

09 Dec 2019, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

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