On Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at 8pm at Silvana,Composers Concordance presents the next installment of its Eclectic Bands series. At a charming uptown venue featuring delicious food and drinks, diverse musical groups assemble for an evening of wide-ranging music, presented in quick tandem:

Sound Liberation is an eclectic chamber ensemble/band. Its musical philosophy, developed by band founder Gene Pritsker, is based upon “ending the segregation of sound vibration (i.e. musical Genres)”. The Di.J, Quartet is a new configuration of the ensemble focusing on Gene Pritsker’s music that utilizes him as Di.J. (Digital Jockey – since he uses a computer to manipulate samples, grooves etc.) This event will be an album release for their new recording on Composers Concordance Records

Mike Handelman is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses his guitar to blur the lines between rock, jazz, blues, and every so often, comedy. He’s performed in numerous contexts and in cities including New York, Los Angeles, Sao Paolo, Clarksdale, Boston and Madrid. His guitar playing can be found on all music streaming services with artists including Jennifer Elster, We Eat Monsters and The Big Time Nobodies.

Dan Cooper Quartet: Dan’s compositions have been described as “full of instrumental virtuosity and sly humor” (-Fanfare) and “invigoratingly eclectic to the max” (-Strings Magazine). Performing on 6-string bass guitar, Dan shares the stage with Evan Francis – flute and alto saxophone, Yayoi Ikawa – piano and keyboard, and Tommy Campbell – drum set.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

06 Jan 2024, 8:00 pm - 9:45 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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