8th Global Entrepreneurship Conference Royal Tapestry Factory, Madrid
Join us in Madrid for our dynamic and interactive conference, organised by the Closely Held Companies Committee, where we will discuss highly topical aspects of doing business in cross-border markets, with keynote and industry speakers, other panellists and conference attendees from around the world. Madrid was one of the centerpieces of the first globalisation of our modern era and continues to play a central role and unique position as a global hub linking together the Old Continents with the Americas and it is thus best placed for a get together of professionals from all corners of the world to discuss the most relevant topics of corporate practice.
Topics, keynote and roundtables will include:
– Keynote introduction to trends and challenges in international trade and cross-border investments
– Keynote debate: a few success stories of growth in new markets
– A general counsel’s view – supporting business and hedging risks in overseas markets
– Inorganic growth through acquisitions and strategic alliances
– Challenges of good governance in closely held companies and alignment of diverging interests
– Forum shopping and trends in corporate laws
⌛ Event Dates & Venue
💸 Website & Tickets

IBA Member (Before 5 April): EUR 790.00, IBA Non-Member (Before 5 April): EUR 950.00, IBA Member (After 5 April): EUR 895.00, IBA Non-Member (After 5 April): EUR 1055.00