SAE Media Group are proud to announce the 4th annual Wearable Injectors and Connected Devices conference. As the need for at home self-administration and routes for delivery of time-dependent and high-volume drug delivery grows, on-body injectors and connected devices hold great opportunity.

The conference will delve into on-body device design and development, enhancing digital connectivity for injectable devices, strategic approaches to wearable device design, regulatory considerations and primary container considerations for large volume delivery systems.

As part of SAE Media Group’s leading Injectable series of conferences, we bring together high-level experts from big pharma and device developers to network and share knowledge to advance R and D. The two-day conference will not only bring you high-quality key insights needed to enhance your wearable devices and connected product portfolio but will also give you the opportunity to network with key players throughout the industry. We hope to welcome you to this must attend event in October 2023!

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⌛ Event Dates & Venue

09 Oct - 10 Oct 2023, 8:30 am - 5:10 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website
Ticket Pricing:
General Admission: GBP 1999.00
