Scripps 2023 18th Annual Natural Supplements-CME Conference Hyatt Regency La Jolla At Aventine, San Diego
Scientific evidence has shown that food choices and certain dietary supplements can improve health and symptoms of disease. As a result, many Americans are self-prescribing and spending in excess of $30 billion annually on herbal and dietary supplements to address their health concerns. It is important for health care providers to receive timely, evidence-based information in order to address the risks and benefits of supplements with their patients. In this dynamic partnership with patients, it is also crucial that providers are also aware of regulatory issues, dosing, and product potency.
To address these needs, world-renowned faculty will present a concise, clinically relevant overview of natural supplements in evidence-based practice, with an emphasis on disease states. This conference is a must-attend for anyone wanting to acquire a wide-range of knowledge and expertise for addressing and managing dietary supplement use.
⌛ Event Dates & Venue
💸 Website & Tickets

Physicians (MD, DO): USD 750.00, RN, NP, PA, Resident, Fellow, Other: USD 650.00, Students: USD 350.00