International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management (ISSSM) Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok, Bangkok

International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management (ISSSM)
2020 ISSSM@Bangkok: Overpopulation & Social Change
Conference Track: Overpopulation & Social Change
Overpopulation and climate change are the greatest threats to human survival today, food security is a new national problem, and modern agriculture is dealing with more difficult problems than ever before. They are poised to become the most significant social transformations in the twenty-first century.

The aim of ISSSM is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and discuss the future and development in Social Sciences, Management and related fields. This conference provides an opportunity for delegates to exchange ideas face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We invite you to join us on 5th – 7th, February, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Special Session: Overpopulation & Social Change

Social Sciences & Management Session
˙Business & Management ˙Communication
˙Law & Politics ˙Humanities & Culture
˙Economics & Finance ˙Education
˙Sociology & Policies ˙Psychology & Philosophy

