International Conference
“Europe at a crossroads: Europeanism, Nationalism and a
concept of the Sovereignty”
3rd – 5th October, 2019, Čanj,
Montenegro seaside
The Europe faced series of tectonic changes and quakes in the recent decade – BREXIT,
migration crisis, and the rise of the euro-skeptic and nationalistic movements. Is the idea
that was behind formation of the EU and EU’s future endangered? What are the reasons for
this shift? Is this the beginning of the end of the EU or just a phase in its development?
What is the role of the international law in this process?
All these and many other relevant questions will be addressed at the annual International
Conference in Čanj, Montnegro seaside.
Arrival of the participants – October 2nd
Panel 1 – 3rd October 2019
Brexit – a precedent or the case sui generis?
Panel 2 – 4th October 2019
Nationalism in Europe and its consequences to the EU, its enlargement process and human
Panel 3 – 5th October 2019
The concept of the sovereignty in XXI century
Departure of participants – 6th October 2019
Submission method
Abstracts, alongside author’s CV should be sent to the or directly at
Note: In order to reserve enough time for every presentation and active discussion, number of
participants is limited to 24.

Participants will be accommodated at the hotel “Vila Fontana”, situated just 200 meters from the main beach and surrounded by green vegetation, the hotel dominates the area.
In a way, it is confirmed by the Tourist Organization of Bar, which awarded this hotel with the first prize for the most beautiful garden.

Thanks to our contract with this distinguished hotel, participants will be able to devote to the conference, since they will have the entire hotel wing at their disposal during the conference.
Participation fee is 249 EUR and it covers accommodation during the conference (4 nights), 3 meals per day, conference fee, and publishing of the paper, transfer from and to the TivatPodgorica airport or local train station and one excursion for the participants.
# For young researchers or researchers that are in need of financial assistance, there is a (limited) possibility for the discount – please note in your application that you would like to apply for it.
Fee for a person accompanying participant 99 EUR for 4 nights (without participation)
For any additional information, including last year’s conference program, visit us at
or send us an email at


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

02 Oct - 06 Oct 2019, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website

◑ Topics | Categories
