Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability Leonardo Royal London St Paul’s, London

As the only armoured vehicle conference dedicated to the area of survivability, the 2023 event will gather programme managers, capability directors, commanders from the military, senior engineers, chief scientists and platform managers from leading solution providers to discuss what nations are doing to protect their armoured vehicles and personnel.

Across three packed days of high-level discussion, analyse why the new threats are posing new challenges and understand how armoured vehicle suppliers and users are responding to them across the whole spectrum of survivability capabilities:

In an era of proliferating threats and near-peer conflict, maintaining the survivability of AFVs is the keystone to enabling effective combined-arms land operations in offence and defence.

Gain unrivalled face-to-face access to the experts in AFV survivability from conception to deployment, with our best and most varied line-up of speakers ever.

New for 2023:
– C-UAS Expertise
– Applying Directed Energy weapons to AFV Protection
– Senior Engineers from Hyundai RotemCAVS Project Manager
– Keynote briefing from Colonel Jeff Jurand, PM Maneuver Combat Systems, PEO Ground Combat Systems, US Army
– Discussion of improving the human factor in survivability through adapting training and doctrine
– Survivability in Armoured Amphibious and Littoral Operations
– British Army exhibition
– Additive Manufacturing


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

13 Nov - 15 Nov 2023, 7:30 am - 6:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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Ticket Pricing:
General Admission: GBP 2898.00, International Military/Government Personnel Rate: GBP 1398.00

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