This interactive course is led by experts in research, assessment and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The course trains you to identify clinical features of BDD and accurately differentiate it from other conditions that present in similar ways.
Topics include how to:
Assess and enhance motivation for treatment
Develop a personalized cognitive behavioral model for patients with BDD
Apply cognitive-, behavioral, and acceptance-based skills to treat BDD
Manage common pitfalls in treatment, such as poor motivation and depression
Apply specific strategies for unique presentations of BDD, such as cosmetic treatment seeking
The course includes video lectures and role-play videos that illustrate techniques. You also find self-assessments, tons of resources, and hundreds of slides with research and treatment data. The course also includes live call-in hours with course faculty and an interactive discussion board.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

01 Aug - 25 Aug 2022, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

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◑ Topics | Categories
