Cell and Gene Therapy Conference Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington, London

SAE Media Group is proud to announce the inaugural Cell and Gene Therapy Conference taking place on the 19 – 20 June 2023.
As part of SAE Media Group’s leading series of drug discovery conferences, this year’s event will bring together expertise from individuals across the advanced therapeutics community. The two-day conference will offer a series of presentations, through which delegates will gain insight into the latest developments in discovery, development and delivery of cell and gene therapies.
Largely owing to the success and regulatory approvals of mRNA vaccines in recent years, there has been a renewed spotlight on cell and gene therapies and this “second wave” is proving highly successful in accelerating R and D in the space through increased investment. This year’s conference will consider the latest approaches to therapeutic discovery and the impact of technologies such as AI and CRISPR/CAS-9. Novel approaches to delivery and screening have also taken hold and case studies on applications in oncology and rare diseases will demonstrate the enormous potential of cell and gene therapies for new and effective opportunities in personalised medicine.
This event will not only bring delegates the key insights they need to develop their cell and gene therapy pipeline by benchmarking against the latest case studies, but it will also give them the opportunity to network with key players throughout the industry.

Benefits of Attending:
• EXPLORE the approaches being undertaken to develop cancer and rare disease treatments now to expand your future cell and gene therapy portfolio, with the potential for personalised cancer vaccines, stem-cell treatments for heart failure and haemophilia gene therapies.
• DISCOVER the latest industry developments in the cell and gene therapy field to expand your target range with updates and innovations in: direct CNS-delivery, off-the-shelf screening libraries and personalised neoantigen therapeutics.
• UNCOVER how CRISPR/cas9 has laid the foundation for the next-generation of gene-editing technologies and how challenges in safety, delivery and efficacy have been overcome with real-world-examples from AstraZeneca, CRISPR Therapeutics and Bayer.
• REVIEW approval case studies from a line-up of global industry experts from Astellas, Adaptimmune, Oxford Biomedica and the MHRA to better understand the regulatory pathways.

Early Bird Rates:
• EB2 -24 April 2023 – £200
• EB3 – 22 May 2023 – £100


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

19 Jun - 20 Jun 2023, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website
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Ticket Pricing:
General Admission: GBP 1999.00, EB1: GBP 1899.00, EB2: GBP 1799.00

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