Canadian Crude-by-Rail 2023 Conference Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Calgary

  • Latest crude oil volumes and transportation forecasts
    Understand the key market drivers with an update on volumes of crude oil from Canadian plays and their impact on railroad transportation.
  • New rail loading, offloading, and transloading developments
    Optimize on the latest developments in transloading facilities and identify new offloading points to maximize operational efficiencies and profit margins across the crude oil supply chain.
  • Reducing transportation costs and railroad pricing dynamics
    Learn how to minimize overall transportation costs and find work-around solutions to price differentials. How are others in the industry managing price volatilities?
  • Optimizing existing rail infrastructure, storage points, and capacity
    Examine optimal locations and capacity of rail infrastructure and storage facilities across North America to provide efficient solutions.
  • Addressing the issues of safety in crude oil transportation
    Evaluate and manage crude-by-rail health and safety concerns ensuring that your transportation project meets industry standards.
  • Exporting North American crude oil to the international markets
    Explore new opportunities in the East and West coast exports of Canadian crude oil and address the transportation challenges.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

13 Sep - 14 Sep 2023, All Day
