Topics Include:

-Amending FIDIC Conditions
-The perfect variations clause
-Avoiding construction arbitrations
-The importance of the applicable law. How far do lawyers from civil law and common law backgrounds view the same construction law issues differently?
-Constructive acceleration.
-Jurisdictions of interest when defending calls against on-demand bonds.
-Reinvigorating independence in expert evidence.
-Addressing high volumes of low value claims in construction arbitration.
-When it all ends in disaster…


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

16 Mar - 18 Mar 2023, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Go to Event Website
Event Hashtag:
Ticket Pricing:
IBA Member (Before 3 February): EUR 760.00, IBA Member (After 3 February): EUR 865.00, IBA Non-Member (Before 3 February): EUR 920.00, IBA Non-Member (After 3 February): EUR 1020.00

◑ Topics | Categories
