6th International Conference on Future of Social Sciences and Humanities Copenhagen Island, Copenhagen
Following the success of the previous event, we are delighted to once again organize this premier academic event that will address the most pressing needs and emerging trends in the field. Join us for three days of learning. Engage in discussions with our prestigious panel of speakers and your peers. Share your own research findings. Whether you are applying to present at the event or are looking to join as an attendee, it will be our pleasure to welcome you to the social sciences conference 2024.
The humanities and social sciences conferences will take place on 19 – 21 July 2024. in the historic city of Copenhagen, Denmark. The previous edition was organized in Warsaw, Prague, Barcelona and Rome. Due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, Oral speakers of the third round announced their decision to be shifted to Virtual presentation mode
FSHCONF will look at the disrupting trends brought about by technologies and other socio-economic and political factors. In order to stay on top of the latest developments, it is crucial to engage in discussions and cross-border learning. This conference is your opportunity to do just that! So mark the dates on your calendar and see you in Copenhagen!
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