2023 CDFI Coalition Institute Capital Hilton, Washington

Please join us at our in-person 2023 CDFI Coalition Institute on March 15 – 16 at the Capital Hilton in Washington DC. The Institute meetings have always provided a great opportunity for CDFIs to gather together, learn from each other and financing and policy experts, and hear from the Administration and Members of Congress and their staff on the current CDFI policy landscape and what they expect to be challenges and opportunities in 2023.

Highlights of the 2023 CDFI Coalition Institute:

  • Networking opportunities, reception, and opportunity to do in-person Hill visits on the afternoon of March 15th. Congressional offices are back to fully open to visitors for the first time since 2020 – we hope you will come and meet staff and committees in person! The Coalition will provide state CDFI fact sheets and other materials to Institute participants.
  • Hear more about the Senate’s Community Development Finance Caucus, two CDFI-specific tax bills that are expected to be introduced, and the impact of changes in Congressional leadership on CDFIs.
  • Dedicated session with the Treasury Department and CDFI Fund leadership as well as a session with federal agencies that provide additional funding and partnership opportunities for CDFIs, including SBA, USDA, and others.
  • Challenging and leading CDFIs on reaching communities of color, improving CDFI programs and products, and supporting a diverse leadership and staff at CDFIs with a great panel to challenge all of us to continue to do more and lift up successful approaches.
  • Understand opportunities and challenges coming from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and how it represents a game-changing opportunity to support climate justice, decarbonization and improved energy efficiency across low-income communities and communities of color.
  • What’s new in CDFI investments, patient capital, PRIs, and understanding how CDFIs fit into ESG frameworks – hear from financial institutions, investors, and funders.

(Conference will begin with 8 am Breakfast on March 15th and adjourn by 1 pm on March 16th)


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⌛ Event Dates & Venue

15 Mar - 16 Mar 2023, All Day

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