Heart Failure, Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Hypertension CME Symposium - San Diego, California San Diego Marriott La Jolla, La Jolla
Significant advances in the diagnosis and management of heart failure and pulmonary hypertension continue to emerge, compelling the practice of cardiology to constantly evolve. These advances must be consistently implemented into clinical practice to guarantee the best care for patients affected by these conditions. The Clinical Advances in Heart Failure, Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium is designed to assist clinicians in correctly diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with heart failure and related conditions. In addition, the symposium will outline optimal strategies for managing cardiogenic shock as well as new and emerging techniques for diagnosing and treating various cardiomyopathies. The symposium is dedicated to providing insight and practical tips with regard to integrating scientific evidence into clinical practice. The goal of the conference is for participants to return to their facilities equipped with the latest evidence base and strategies to improve patient outcomes.
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Physicians (MD, DO, MBBS): USD 450.00, RN, NP, PA, Other: USD 325.00, Students, Residents, Fellows: USD 150.00