The 13th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference The Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington

Arrowhead Publishers is pleased to announce its 13th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference will be taking place in Washington, DC on June 19-20, 2023. This conference brings together researchers and clinicians from industry, academia, the military and government to present ground-breaking research in a variety of areas related to traumatic brain injury.

This event provides a special opportunity for a variety of stakeholders to present original research and analysis aimed at providing a full picture of the progress being made towards better diagnosis, treatment and long-term care for TBI survivors. At this annual event, physicians, nurses, neurosurgeons, scientists, and drug/diagnostic developers from all over the world network and learn from one another. Focus areas include:

Current Clinical Management of TBI
Advances and Opportunities for TBI Biomarkers
Recovery, Regeneration and Plasticity
TBI Therapeutic Preclinical/Clinical Candidates
Outcomes Research
Large-scale Observational Studies of TBI
Neuroimaging Research and Practice
Emerging Tools for Diagnosis/Assessment of TBIs
Preclinical/Clinical Development Models/Design


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

19 Jun - 20 Jun 2023, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website
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Ticket Pricing:
Academic/Government/Non-Profit: USD 695.00, Student: USD 395.00, Industry: USD 1495.00

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