Our Oceans, Our Future – SboNdaba Dance

Can life on earth survive if our oceans are destroyed? Do our young people have a future on earth? Can we do anything to protect our world?

“Our Oceans, Our Future!’, directed and choreographed by our award- winning Artistic Director, Sbonakaliso Ndaba, weaves these themes into a full-length theatre and dance production, to be premiered at Artscape Theatre from 30 March to 1 April 2023.

Information Displays by key environmentalists in the Artscape foyer will provide well-researched information and a chance to engage with them directly from 30 minutes before and after each show including: The Green Connection, Greenpeace Cape Town, Greenpeace Africa, Project 90 by 2030, The Shark Spotters, The Beach Co-op, 350 Africa.org, Radio Care / Ke care / !GâiTsēs, Masifundise and Captain Fanplastic.

Each of us has a role to play in protecting our marine life and the planet. “Our Oceans, Our Future” is an emotional call to each and every one to become involved, to add their voice, to become engaged, to volunteer, to make waves and to be the change!


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

30 Mar - 01 Apr 2023, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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Ticket Pricing:
Ticket price: R150 Ticket Concessions: Students, pensioners and block bookings of 10 or more: R80

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