Microbiology Conferences London, UK, London

Conference Series LLC LTD, the world’s leading Scientific Event Organizer invites all the Speakers, Delegates, Researchers, Students and Industrialists to attend 49th World Congress on Microbiology (Microbiology 2020) during June 15-16, 2020 at London, UK around the theme Fostering developments and applications in Microbiology.
URL: https://europe.microbiologyconferences.com

Following the success of previous Microbiology Conferences held during September 10-11, 2018 London, UK and June 24-25, 2019 at Moscow, Russia. we are now delighted to welcome you to 49th World Congress on Microbiology (Microbiology 2020) during June 15-16, 2020 at London, UK aimed to provide an opportunity for all the Attendees to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of Microbiology.
This intriguing event has taken the initiative to gather the world class experts both from Academic and Industry in a common platform at Microbiology 2020 Conferences to share their recent research finding to the world and enlighten other esteemed delegates on latest trends in the field of Microbiology. We cordially invite all concerned people from different countries of Europe (UK, London, Spain, Istanbul, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Israel, India, China, Japan) to come join us at our event and make it successful by your participation.
Why to attend?
Microbiology 2020 is a unique and exciting opportunity, have been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to showcase the new technology, the new products, the service your industry may offer to a broad international audience. It covers a lot of topics and it will be a nice platform to showcase their recent researches on Microbiology Applications.
Microbiology 2020, host presentations from experts across the world in the field of microbiology and anticipates more than 200 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related international journals.
Business networking is an avenue for vendors to have network and B2B meetings with “Top Scientists and Colleagues” and with an effective low-cost marketing method for developing sales and opportunities and contacts. Student Poster Competition is organized at Conference, to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research which will be later published in the journals.
All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions during the conference. An opportunity to present E-Poster for all the students who cannot attend the conference at 99$ with abstract published in the website with DOI number Live Streaming is a value-added service offering to Speaker.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

15 Jun - 16 Jun 2020, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website

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