Manufacturing World Japan 2023 Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo

Manufacturing World Japan is world’s leading trade show for the manufacturing industry. It consists of 10 specialised technology shows, and focused on digital transformation, factory automation, additive manufacturing, mechanical components, measuring instruments and factory facilities.

Major visitors to the show are from design, development, manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing, and information systems divisions of automotive, heavy industry, electric, machinery and precision equipment manufacturers. It provides a platform where innovations that contribute to short-term development, productivity improvement, quality improvement, VA/VE, and cost reduction are gathered.

The Tokyo show is expected to attract 60,000 visitors and 2,000 exhibitors. There will also be about 25 seminars by leaders from major manufacturers sharing their latest strategies and case studies.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

21 Jun - 22 Jun 2023, All Day


23 Jun, 2023 All Day
01 Jan, 1970 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM