GOBI (Global Oppurtunitiues in Business & Investment) 2024 İTÜ Maçka Mustafa Kemal Amfisi, Istanbul

GOBI (Global Opportunities in Business & Investment)

The Global Opportunities in Business and Investment (GOBI) was created by the Istanbul Technical University Investment Club with the motto “This is a Dream Product!” and stands as ITU’s first international student summit. Hosting participants from all corners of the globe GOBI provides an opportunity to examine the changes in the evolving world through panels featuring C-level speakers. After the sessions and panels, networking nights and award ceremonies are conducted, providing opportunities for event participants to network. Not only aiming to be an academic summit but also creating opportunities for cultural exchange, various evening events, starting with the ‘International Night,’ continue throughout the summit. In addition to the panels in the first two days, we enable foreign students to meet the beauties and traditions of Turkey with the fun activities we organize for 4 days such as:

Opening Ceremony
International Night
Turkish Night
Istanbul Tour

Due to the diverse audiences it engages, GOBI appeals to various segments. However, the main target audience of GOBI is Generation-Z, aiming to excel in different fields, adapt to the modern era and current requirements, and broaden their perspectives.

GOBI was chosen the Best International Student Event in Turkey and Europe in 2009 by Üniaktivite.

Early Application Fees are 79 € for only social events and 129 € for social events and accommodation.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

03 Mar - 06 Mar 2024, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

Link to event siteGo to Event Website

◑ Topics | Categories
