Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2022 Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague

The Czech Technical University in Prague is happy to announce that the sixth issue of the Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB) conference will be held on July 4–6, 2022 in historical capital Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will be held under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI, FIDIC and GABC, and belongs to the Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards the World Sustainable Built Environment conference on September 26–29, 2023 in Montreal, Canada.

The CESB22 objective is to present current activities in sustainable building with special focus on the Central Europe area and to bring ideas and international expertise to the region and deliver expertise from the region aiming to enhance further development of built environment in the region as well as in a worldwide scale.

Simultaneously with CESB22, a fourth iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building (YRSB22) will take place on 4 July 2022, focusing on actual PhD research in the field of sustainable building and sustainable and resilient built environment.

Main conference topics

Innovative technologies and systems
New materials and components for sustainable buildings
Energy efficient buildings and districts
Adapting design, construction and operation of buildings to climatic goals
Integration of principles of circular economy into building design process
Decision-support tools and assessment methods for sustainable built environment
Retrofitting of existing building stock
Sustainable refurbishment of cultural and industrial heritage
Improving resilience of the built environment
Sustainable urban development

Abstracts submission

If you are interested in presenting your work, please submit your abstract of 150–250 words in English electronically, using conference system available at https://www.conftool.com/cesb22by 1 June 2021.

All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee and presented at the Conference in oral or poster form will be published in collaboration with IOP Publishers as open access papers in electronic proceedings within IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science (EES, http://conferenceseries.iop.org) and submitted for indexing by ISI (Web of Science) andScopus. Papers from previous CESB conferences are indexed and available for readers in databases.

Key dates

1 June 2021 Abstracts submission
15 July 2021 Acceptance notification
1 October 2021 Full papers submission
1 February 2022 Results of full papers’ review process
1 March 2022 Implementation of reviewers’ comments into final papers
15 April 2022 Presenting author’s registration

The CESB series

The organizers have track record in organizing CESB events since 2007. Last time, CESB19 contributed to sharing knowledge among 240 participants from 43 countries.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

04 Jul - 06 Jul 2022, All Day

◑ Topics | Categories
