This interactive course is led by health experts from the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine.
These expert faculty help you understand how stress both causes and worsens health conditions. They examine the physiological impacts of stress and the influence stress has on disease and medical symptoms.
They also help you refine your knowledge and skill in using interventions that offset the harmful influence of stress. Many of these interventions are lifestyle changes that you can use to build long-term resiliency in your patients. The course includes content on the importance of sleep, proper nutrition, relaxation techniques, adequate social support, exercises that reduce stress, and much more. You learn how to guide your patients towards these behavior changes that promote health. This is ideal for clinicians in all practice settings across mental health, primary care, nursing, social work, psychology and more.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

05 Dec - 16 Jan 2022, All Day

💸 Website & Tickets

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