Advancing Design Collaboration 2023 Austin Marriott South, Austin
With the construction industry driving towards more collaborative contracting, we have witnessed an increased complexity of structures and more integrated supply chains to drive cost and schedule certainty. This, in turn, is calling for more collaborative design environments in the context of a traditionally siloed industry.
At Advancing Design Collaboration 2023 you will have the chance to join Mortenson Construction, HDR Architects, HCA Healthcare, and 100+ other industry leaders as they come together to address both the industry-wide and project-specific changes that need to be made to procurement strategies, workflows, culture and technology to establish more cooperative environments.
At the inaugural Advancing Design Collaboration 2023 you’ll:
Discover how to set your project team up for success to ensure a sense of responsibility and accountability towards collective goals
Gain a better understanding of the tasks, responsibilities, and priorities of your project partners for the establishment of productive long-term partnerships.
⌛ Event Dates & Venue
💸 Website & Tickets

Conference + Focus Day - Contractors, Designers and Trade Partners - On the Door: USD 2399.00, Conference Only - Contractors, Designers and Trade Partners - On the Door: USD 1899.00, Conference + Focus Day - Owners and Clients - On the Door: USD 2099.00, Conference Only - Owners and Clients - On the Door: USD 1599.00, Conference + Focus Day - Software and Solution Providers - On the Door: USD 3599.00, Conference Only - Software and Solution Providers - On the Door: USD 2799.00