With linker and conjugate deals dominating the ADC industry and more companies shifting their focus towards the chemistries behind linkers and conjugations, innovations in this space are becoming a key point of differentiation to preserve your competitive edge.

The 2nd ADC Linker and Conjugation Summit will provide a technical dive into the chemistries behind stable linkers, exploring click cleavable ADCs and their potential applications in safety and efficacy, optimizing site-specific conjugation production of homogenous DAR, innovative linker and conjugation chemistries for advanced ADC development and more.

This conference is a must-attend for anyone facing challenges with hydrophobic and hydrophilic linkers, cleavable and non-cleavable linkers, site-specific conjugations, working with novel payloads to improve conjugation stability. Attending this meeting will empower you to overcome these challenges and develop a stable and efficacious ADC.

Upgrade your resources in this space with unmatched quality in the depth of insights and a community of 100+ topic leaders exclusively working on innovating ADC design through improvement in linker and conjugation technologies.

⌛ Event Dates & Venue

20 Aug - 22 Aug 2024, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Go to Event Website
Event Hashtag:
Ticket Pricing:
Drug Developer Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 4097.00, Drug Developer Conference Only: USD 2899.00, Academic Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 3497.00, Academic Conference Only: USD 2499.00, Solution Provider Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 4997.00, Solution Provider Conference Only: USD 3599.00

◑ Topics | Categories
