Dear Colleague:

You are invited to participate in the 10th Annual International Conference on Cognitive – Social, and Behavioural Sciences (icCSBs) 07 – 08 December 2022. icCSBs offers an opportunity for researchers and academicians to earn academic points without travel expenses or securing conference grants.

icCSBs will be held 07 – 08 December 2022 in Moscow, Russia (Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia, 105062, Moscow, Makarenko str., 5/16). icCSBs will be held ONLINE during 2022. This conference allows researchers and academicians to share research results with colleagues throughout the world via Academics Institute’s website.

Full texts will be published in the EpES – European Proceedings of Educational Sciences. Abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book.

All selected papers will also be published in the European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences (eISSN: 2301-2218). You will need to revise your full text to include in the EpES – European Proceedings of Educational Sciences and choose one of the options.

After reviewing the posters, we encourage you to contact participating authors via email to discuss their research. It is our hope that this exchange of ideas leads to future research collaborations.

We look forward to receiving your abstract submission for icCSBs 2022.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

07 Dec - 08 Dec 2022, All Day
